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Variables in Text Objects

Texts objects in TISGraph can contain variables, which can be used to display certain dynamic data.

 Variables Example

For instance, the variable in the text string "As of ${PrintTimeStamp}" will in be replaced by the actual current time stamp when rendered on the drawing pane, e.g. "As of 03/08/2014 14:22:21".

The following variables are supported:

$(To be precise: Timestamp of exporting/printing the PDF)08.11.2018 12:17:16
$only year2018
$year and monthsNov 2018
$full date08.11.2018
$date and hours08.11.2018 12
$date, hours and minutes08.11.2018 12:17
$full timestamp08.11.2018 12:17:16
$two or more date format characters are interpreted as part of a format string.2018-11-08 12:17:16
$User who initiated the printN.N.
$Current Page1
$Total Number of Pages in the Document3
$Document Name"Testdokument"
$Absolute path of the document including its name

There are also variables for observation ranges, namely range name, start timestamp and end timestamp. You can configure the range to be used for these variables in the text object's edit dialog.

$observation range full data¹Date Range of Interest: 01.01.2011 — 31.12.2012
$Start timestamp of the observation range¹01.01.2011
$Jan 2011
$01.01.2011 00
$01.01.2011 00:00
$01.01.2011 00:00:00
$End timestamp of the observation range¹31.12.2012
$Dez 2012
$31.12.2012 23
$31.12.2012 23:59
$31.12.2012 23:59:59

¹ By default, start and end timestamp have day precision. Currently, other formatting patterns are not implemented for observation ranges.