Detailed Installation Settings
The configuration properties of osgi-runner
are grouped in configuration sets located in $INSTDIR\<PID>
, where <PID>
is an identifier like org.clazzes.jdbc.provider
The configuration settings might also be edited using the GUI located under http://localhost:8081/dojo-config-manager/.
PID at.iteg.tis.graph
key | value | remarks |
users.suPrincipal | at.iteg.wdb.api.dto.WiskiPrincipal::WISKI/Admin | The super user used to initially build up the authorization database. For OAuth setups, use the value org.clazzes.login.oauth.OAuthPrincipal::WISKI/Admin |
externalSuperUserGroup | WISKI/manage-account | Superuser group from an external auhtentication mechanism like LDAP or OAuth |
users.contextList | HYD;TSP | A semicolon-separated list of security contexts to fill in to the database. |
users.defaultGroup | Newbies | The default group for new users. The group may be changed lateron by administrators. |
contextUrl | The context URL has to be set to http://localhost:8081/, if TISGraph is located behind a reverse proxy and you are unable to print PDF documents. | |
defaultTimeZone | Europe/Vienna | The default timezone, you might use GMT+01:00 for a fixed timezone offset. |
apiForwardHeaders | Authorization | A list of headers to forward to data providers like wdb `, if tisgraph is accessed via the tisgraph API. |
delegateLoginMechanism | at.iteg.wdb.wiski | For OAuth setups, use org.clazzes.login.oauth. |
apiLoginMechanism | org.clazzes.login.oauth | A secondary login mechanism used for API access, use org.clazzes.login.oauth in order to allow API access by OAuth access tokens. |
apiTimeout | 30000 | Timeout of API rendering calls. After this period of time in milliseconds the rendering calls redirect to a retry URL. |
apiExternalUrl | This might be set to the URL under which the API is seen by users like | |
apiLenientRedirect | false | If set to true, the API redirect requests are issued without the requirement to send authentication information again. This is for dumb reverse proxies like IIS. |
apiSecurityContext | Set this to /oauth-login/login in oder to activate OAuth access to the tisgraph API. | |
cacheSizeMB | 256 | The size of the rendered image cache. |
environmentName | PROD | |
mimeTypeWhitelist | application/json;application/msword; application/octet-stream; application/pdf; application/rtf; application/; application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet; application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; application/x-tisgraph-json-new; application/xml; application/zip; image/jpeg; image/png; image/svg+xml; text/csv; text/plain; text/xml | The list of document types allowed to be upload to TISGraph |
datasourceName | TISGRAPH | The name of the JDBC datasource in PID org.clazzes.jdbc.provider |
dialectProperties | Set this to overflowTablespace=TablespaceName for Oracle installations with TablespaceName set to a valid table space name for storing BLOB values. |
PID at.iteg.wdb.impl
This is the configuration set for the traditional WISKI data adapter using wiskidataccess-api
. For the new REST-based WISKI adapter see the configuration set
key | value | remarks |
tsmHost | | |
tsmPort | 7430 | |
defaultDomain | WISKI | The domain to use, used to be MaiDomain in previous versions. |
maxSessions | 16 | The size of the connection pool to the WISKI server. |
enableCoverageLookup | true | If set to false, tree displays might be sped up by not querying the coverage of WISKI timeseries |
showStationNumbers | false | If set to true, the WISKI tree shows station numbers instead of the station names |
imageKeys | GROUND_VIEW,OVERVIEW_IMAGE | The meta data keys used to access station images. |
loginMechanism | at.iteg.wdb.wiski | For OAuth setups, use `org.clazzes.login.oauth`. |
sessionCleanInterval | 60 | |
additionalDomains | Additional domain to support, should not be used. | |
maxResultDataPoints | 10000 | The maximal number of data points to query in one HTTP request. |
fallbackUser | A user to use for unauthorized but authenticated requests. Might only be used in special situations. | |
fallbackPassword | The password of the fallback user. | |
fallbackToken | The OAuth token used for unauthorized but authenticated requests as an alternative for a fallback user. | |
sessionTimeout | 300 | |
apiLoginMechanism | A secondary login mechanism used for API access, use org.clazzes.login.oauth in order to allow API access by OAuth access tokens. |
This is the configuration PID of the new REST-API based WISKI data adapter.
key | value | remarks |
enableCoverageLookup | true | If set to false, tree displays might be sped up by not querying the coverage of WISKI timeseries |
fallbackRobotDomain | If set to an OAuth domain with configured Robot Tokens, unauthenticated users use these robot tokens to access WISKI data. | |
maxResultDataPoints | 10000 | The maximal number of data points to query in one HTTP request. |
oDataBaseUrl | https://wiski.example:7479/model/odata | The base URL of the OData service accessed. |
wiskiRestApiBaseUrl | https://wiski.example:7408/rest | The base URL of the REST API service accessed. |
imageKeys | GROUND_VIEW,OVERVIEW_IMAGE | The meta data keys used to access station images. |
showStationNumbers | false | If set to true, the WISKI tree shows station numbers instead of the station names |
loginMechanism | org.clazzes.login.oauth | For OAuth setups, use org.clazzes.login.oauth. |
PID org.clazzes.jdbc.provider
key | value | remarks |
datasource.TISGRAPH.servername | localhost | |
datasource.TISGRAPH.username | tisgraph | |
datasource.TISGRAPH.validationQuery | SELECT 1 | |
datasource.TISGRAPH.port | 5432 | |
datasource.TISGRAPH.databasename | tisgraph | |
datasource.TISGRAPH.datasourename | TISGRAPH | |
datasource.TISGRAPH.url | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/tisgraph | |
datasource.TISGRAPH.password | secret::prop:tisgraph-db-passwd |
PID org.clazzes.login.oauth
This PID needs only to be configured for OAuth setups.
key | value | remarks |
domain.WISKI.label | ITEG WISKI Test | |
domain.WISKI.clientId | iteg-tisgraph-dev | |
domain.WISKI.clientPassword | secret::prop:oauth-domain-WISKI-passwd | |
domain.WISKI.scope | openid profile email | |
domain.WISKI.options | lenientAccessTokenCheck | |
domain.WISKI.faviconLocation | | |
sessionCookie | OAUTH_SESSION_ID | |
domain.WISKI.configurationLocation | | |
delegateDomain | WISKI | |
delegateTokenType | JWT | |
sameSitePolicy | Strict |
PID org.clazzes.sketch.pdf.entities
key | value | remarks |
acceptableHttpErrors | 500 | A comma-separated list of HTTP errors to ignore upon printing/document export. HTTP error 404 may not reliably produced by our wiskidataccess-support, so it is only feasible to specify error 500 for the moment. |
ghostscriptPath | An optional path for a ghostscript executable to be used for rendering PDF inline graphics. |